jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2009

Transantiago: Before And After

Hello, well today in this blog I'm gonna talk about one of the most controversial event happenned in 2007 in Chile: the transport proyect called transantiago.
In the first months, this proyect was a totally disaster, and the reasons are many: first of all, the number of the buses required to make this plan a successfully proyect, were more than the goberment could give to the people; for this reason, all the buses were full of persons and of course, its quality were on the edge.
Another reason for the disaster of the first months of this proyect, was the routes of the buses, because these routes were larger than necesary. For these reasons the people of Santiago travelled very umcomfortable, and also they arrived to theirs destinies very late, which caused the total angry of all the people in this city, the capital of Santiago.
I have to say that this transport sytem didn't cause me a lot of problem because in that year I travelled in metro.
The changes that I would make were introduce more buses in the streets, make smaller routes and try to change the chilean mentality to make this city a better place to live. Good bye.

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